About me

20centurywatches.com is dedicated exclusively to the vintage watches produced in all decades of the twentieth century.
Here you have the opportunity to see absolutely authentic watches from that time in the total MINT condition, all detailed macro photos of the watches are authentic, because all the watches are from my collection. The photos have not been additionally processed in Photoshop and show absolutely realistically every watch from all angles.
As I grew up as a collector, my collection also grew, so I sold some of the watches to buy others. Therefore, there is a tab on the website for sale, where you can find really fantastic retro models, literally as if you walked to the past and stopped by the watch store.
My name is Igor, and I was born in 1971, my fascination with watches began long ago, in the mid-1970s when I saw a LED watch for the first time. It was something fantastic for me, especially those red digits on the display.  I looked at those watches with longing while I was a kid …
So in 1979 I got my first watch, it was the LCD model, I was wearing it in my entire childhood.I was 15, I got my first automatic watch, it was Seiko.  I still have these watches today.
All of this later inspired me to start my adventure of searching for beautiful old watches. I started in 1994 and since then I’ve been constantly searching…
I started this website to share the love and passion for beautiful vintage watches.
My first watch
June 17, 2019

My first watch

This watch I will show you now does not have any material value, but the emotional value it has for me is invaluable ... In the photos, you see two identical…